Sunday, August 19, 2012

Meet The Teacher 2012

First up, if you missed my classroom tour yesterday, check it out HERE.

The weekday before school starts (Friday this year since school starts on a Monday) we hold "Meet The Teacher" where families come and see the room, meet the teacher, and pick up information. They can also drop off their supplies if they bring them. 

Here's my room all set up for Meet The Teacher. We grabbed the balloon idea off pinterest from HERE. Each balloon is attached to a poster that they take home and decorate as an "All about me collage" for our student of the month boards. 

This is the packet of papers that was at their desks. Many of these were from (or heavily adapted from) Cara CarrollOn Top was their dismissal clip, which parents clipped to our dismissal chart so I would know how they go home on the first day. They also had an order form for our first day fundraiser (more about that later) and a to do list. 

Next was a paper all about me, and a class supply list - 

Two student information forms - 

Volunteer Form and our District Student Release form (for pictures, videos etc.) - 

Our Class Schedule and a letter outlining my discipline system - 

A paper outlining what the students will be learning in Kindergarten, and Expectations - 

When parents finished filling out the forms they sorted them into three baskets (student information, release forms, volunteer forms) on top of my cubbies - 

I also set up brown paper bags around our carpet for supplies - 

Each one was labelled with a supply so that students who brought theirs could sort them right into the bags and not dump them into a huge pile on a table for me to sort later (this way they do all the work!)

Can't believe our first day is tomorrow! I'm super sad summer is over :(


  1. I can't wait to hear about your first day of school photo fundraiser! What a great idea! :)

    Kindergarten Korner

  2. I know this post is a little dated, but would you be willing to share your templates for the above pictures? I'm moving from 3rd to K this year and could really use some ideas of where to start when recreating all of my "Meet the Teacher" night resources.

  3. I would love it if you would share your templates with us!!

  4. Can you send me those templates? I would love to borrow them for meet the teacher night.

  5. Can you send me those templates? I would love to borrow them for meet the teacher night.

  6. Are your templates available? If so, would you mind sharing

  7. Are your temples available? If so, I would LOVE to use them for my meet the teacher night!

  8. Looks great Rachelle! I will be teaching Kinder for the 1st year this upcoming school year :-) would you be able to share your templates for your Meet The Teacher packet? I would love to use parts of them for my Meet The Teacher Night! If so, here is my email.
