Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Center Organization & Storage

I've had a few emails lately about how I store and organize my centers to keep track of it all. I'm sure there are a gazillion ways to do this, but here's what works for me.....

A hard copy of each center pack I make goes into a file folder.

This contains all the directions, hard copies and worksheets

The game pieces go into ziploc baggies sorted by game

Then, both the file and the ziplocs go into a hanging pocket file. I love the pocket ones because nothing falls out the sides. They can be a little pricy so I try to catch them on sale or add them onto my supply orders. If you don't mind paying full price you can get them here.
Then the pocket file goes into my filing cabinet. I have them in order from the beginning of the year to the end.
As you can see, mine don't actually hang. My cabinets seem to be missing the metal rods to hang stuff.
And that's what works for me!!


  1. I get this question at least once a week.. not that my way is anything special but I need to share too !

    Doodle Bugs Teaching
    Doodle Bugs Paper

  2. You're so good! My workstations take up 3 cabinets! I'm inspired to be a little more organized! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Rachelle! Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award. Stop by my blog to get it! :)

    WILD About First Grade!
