This week our reading series story was
So we talked a little bit about dinosaurs and what it would be like if they came back. The book gives an idealized version with dinosaurs doing all kinds of fun things to help people. Here's my students thoughts, we tried to make our pictures look like the pictures in the books in which only the dinosaurs were in color.
And here are just a few of the dinosaur centers from my Dinosaur Roar! pack:
sorting nouns, verbs, adjectives
sounding out words
sound substitutions
alphabetical order
word family sort
putting together sight words
spin, graph and count
counting by 2s
time to the hour
In Social Studies this week we learned all about the Statue of Liberty. We used adorable ideas from Deanna Jump's America unit. We guessed whether we would be longer, shorter or equal to the statues foot, then graphed our data. After comparing our line to her foot we recorded our findings. We also did a directed drawing and wrote about her in our American symbols book.
Then we did the penny experiment to find out why the statue originally made out of brown copper is now green. (It has to do with the salt water in New York Harbor)
We also finished up our Insects this week. Our Butterflies hatched and after observing them all week we let them go on Friday.
Here's the last page in our insect fact books, about grasshoppers, and our compound eye experiment:
As a wrap up/assessment, we built bugs out of candy. The kids had free reign to make them however they wanted with the stipulation that all parts must be represented - head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs, 2 antennae, and wings if they want. They did pretty good!
And last but not least, we went to see Chimpanzee on Friday!! For those living under a rock, Chimpanzee is this years DisneyNature Earth Day movie. We go every year! It's my favorite field trip because we get to sit in the air conditioned theater and relax!! The kids loved the film, though I find it a little creepy how human-like the chimps are.
this was before it started, I have no idea why my little sweetie is covering his eyes!
28 Days till Summer!! I am LOVING my new sign from Hadar over at Miss Kindergarten!!
She made it in blue, green and yellow for me to match the colors in my classroom!!
Next week we will be learning all about the day and night sky in Science so it will be time to break out my Reach for the Stars Space Centers!
Books we Read: