Saturday, November 2, 2013

Five for Friday {11/2/13}

It's Saturday. I feel like you should expect that from me by now. It's also November. How did that happen? The flu/cold/allergy ugliness has hit our house, which explains my blogging absence. The last time I posted we were wrapping up our five senses unit, and learning about apples. I'm still hoping to blog about apples, but who knows when? Since then we've studied matter, setting, spiders, pumpkins, and next week we're starting Veteran's Day. The rest of November will be full of bats, Thanksgiving and Hannukah! (It's super early this year!)

We survived our first field trip.... to the pumpkin patch! It was a very fun, relaxing, and HOT trip!

This is one of my favorite writing prompts we've done. The kinder-pups wrote about how Christopher Columbus was brave, and then made a connection to a time they were brave. 

This week was Say no to drugs week and my class one first prize for our door decorations! 

This was such a fun Matter experiment! We popped each balloon to see what was inside. It's from Hope King's Matter Unit!

Here's an entry from our reading notebooks from when we were studying spiders! This cute foldable is from Deanna Jump's Packet. 

I hope to get another post in this week!!


  1. Great ideas. Loved the matter experiment! The Columbus writing was adorable-got to love phonetic spelling!

  2. Hey there - I just wanted to say THANKS for your election day freebie on TPT; I used it with my kiddos yesterday and they *loved* it. I linked to it on my blog and plan on following you from now on. :)


  3. Learning by experience is always a good way to teach kids. I know it is different than traditional approach. But it is good. Steiner education Australia is what we must opt for our kids.
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  4. تسهم شركات تصنيع زجاجات المياه المعدنية في تعزيز ثقافة الشرب الصحي والوعي البيئي. فهي تنشر المعرفة حول أهمية شرب المياه النقية وتوفر المعلومات حول فوائدها الصحية. كما تشجع على التخلص الصحيح من الزجاجات المعدنية وإعادة التدوير، مما يساهم في تحقيق الاستدامة البيئية وحماية البيئة من تلوث البلاستيك.

  5. حقن دوالي الساقين هي إجراء طبي يستخدم لعلاج الأوردة المتوسعة في الساقين. وتعتبر هذه الإجراءات من أكثر الطرق شيوعًا لعلاج دوالي الساقين، ولكنها تأتي مع مزايا وعيوب حبث تُستخدم حقن دوالي الساق للتخلص من أوردة الدم المتضخمة في الساق، وهذه التقنية فعالة جدًا في إزالة هذه المشكلة.
